Hi, I’m Lena, and I’m so glad you’re here!
As a coach, I guide you on an adventure of the human spirit. Together, we uncover what your heart and soul are truly calling for and clear the blocks that get in the way, so you can live your most joyful and meaningful life.
I believe that within each of us, and within you, exists a wise self and source of understanding beyond the mind, that knows your greatest truths, passions, gifts, purpose, and brightest path in life.
But it can be hard to walk this path alone, and it’s easy to get foggy or off-track, especially without the right tools to get unstuck or navigate life outside of what we’ve somehow learned along the way.
We all need support in this life, and we’re not meant to do it alone.
Having suffered a prolonged period of challenge in my own life, I’m deeply familiar with the pain of exhaustion, untapped potential, dreams put on hold, and the powerful transformation that comes from connecting to the guiding voice of intuition to realign with what truly fuels from within.
It's my mission to help others connect to their truth and learn tools to create their own foundation for personal transformation, so they can stay fueled, live their most soul-inspired lives, and make a positive difference with their time on this earth.
Lena is ranked as one of the top life coaches in Seattle and the Pacific Northwest, and since 2008 has supported hundreds of people in living their most joyful, meaningful, and empowered lives. Including media and public speaking events, her tools and messages have reached thousands.
With 16+ years in the field of transformation and a 10 year history in finance, she brings a unique blend of two worlds and a methodology called Structure into Soul™ to her process, allowing her clients to get to the root of their goals and dreams, transform roadblocks that keep them stuck, and put strategic action steps into place that can be easily integrated in their day-to-day lives.
Her specialties include intuition, mindset shifts, life transitions and positive impact, and she believes now more than ever we have the opportunity to create positive change in our lives and world.
Curious to know more?
Ready to Chat?
Request a 30 minute Discovery Call to find out if coaching with Lena is a match for you.
This is a complimentary opportunity to answer questions you might have and explore your personal areas of interest, hopes, and dreams.