Why following your joy isn’t always joyful
If you’re on a path of personal or spiritual growth, you may have wondered at some point…
How can I be happier? What’s my purpose? How do I get there?
The answer is, of course…
Follow your joy!
Do what you love, and you’ll create a life that’s even greater than you can imagine.
In three inspirational words, you seemingly have access to the secrets of the universe and a clear compass to follow.
Variations of this slogan appear on bumper stickers, t-shirts, and in motivational speeches around the world…
So, what’s the problem?
If you’ve spent any time with me, you’ll know I am a HUGE proponent of following your joy. I truly believe it’s one of the keys to uncovering your greatest gifts, passions, and purpose, and living your brightest path in life.
But…it’s just one piece of the puzzle.
What it doesn’t capture, are all the things NOT joyful that come with following your joy, if you’re brave enough to actually do it.
Somehow, within “follow your joy” the idea that eternal joy will be your reward is embedded, and herein lies the myth.
So, if you’re following your joy and wondering why you’re not joyful 100% of the time, here are 4 missing pieces to help support the way.
Challenges are normal
You may have noticed that following your joy is not always joyful, and in fact can lead to a whole new set of heart-wrenching-stomach-twisting experiences as a result.
Want to turn your passion into a business? You may need to get over your fear of being in the public eye.
Feel called to create art? You may be faced with overcoming your fear of sharing your art with others.
Inspired to live from your heart and soul? You may need to stop over-caring about what others think or needing to feel fully comfortable before taking your next step.
This is important to say, because so often I see people who think there’s something wrong with them, if they can’t joyfully move forward on their path 100% of the time.
Challenges are a (magical) opportunity
The reality is, it’s extraordinarily common to face challenges when putting your joy into action.
On top of that…
What if those challenges aren’t a glitch in the system, but are actually by design?
What if following your joy is in fact a pathway to living a life you love, and overcoming your greatest fears and obstacles is an integral part of the package?
Because when you overcome those obstacles, you begin to create a life with less fear and doubt overall. When you unhook your inner blocks, you create more clarity and personal freedom, and it begins to ripple through all areas of your life.
If you allow your joy journey to be one of growth and liberation, you’ll win no matter what milestones you set, or goals you try to achieve.
Sometimes joy IS purely joyful
Though I’ve talked a lot about challenges here, it’s important to know that sometimes, following your joy IS purely joyful.
Love going to the beach and don’t shame yourself for being lazy? Instant bliss!
Like playing sports and don’t torture yourself with a regimen impossible to achieve? Game on!
Passionate about your career, and don’t make the bar of success too high to reach? Now you’re talking!
Or maybe you simply love walking through nature, laughing with friends, or taking a quiet moment alone, and it creates the kind of joy you can count on.
When you do get to experience joy, soak it in! This is key in allowing life to be joyful along the way, and not just some future joy destination that’s agonizing to reach.
You don’t have to follow your joy
Will following what brings you joy help you create your own most amazing life?
Yes, I believe it does and will!
What lights you up is a clue from your deeper self, soul, and universe, to follow on your path forward. It’s not always easy, but the liberation on the other side can be oh-so-worth it.
Do you have to live life this way?
Absolutely not. But if you feel called to, you just might be glad you did 😉
If you received an insight today, consider writing it down or sharing it with a friend – it’s a great way to help it stick and not get lost in the swirl of life.
If you want a coach to collaborate with as you create your own next steps, you don’t have to do it alone. I’d love to hear from you, and there are a few great options for you below.
Wherever you are, may you soak in the good and clear through your challenges, to create liberation and true joy within.
With gratitude,
Ready to go on a personal growth adventure? Want to create a change in your life?
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Lena D. Meyer is a Transformational Life Coach, and the founder of Gratitude6. She is ranked as one of the top life coaches in Seattle and the Pacific Northwest, and since 2008 has supported hundreds of people in living their most joyful, purposeful, and empowered lives. Including media and public speaking events, her tools and messages have reached thousands.
Her specialties include intuition, mindset shifts, life transitions and positive impact, and she believes now more than ever we have the opportunity to create positive change in our lives and world.
Copyright © 2023 Gratitude6, LLC, all rights reserved. Originally published 6/22/23. Read full disclaimer here.